0000.ff Manifesto_v2_2025 0 - Blue, white, black. Primary, fundamental colors, reduced to their essence. 0 - Duchamp & the readymade. Take an object, affix a signature, recontextualize and provoke. Digital as ready-made. 0 - Design not the candle, but its environment. It's the space around it that creates the object, not the object itself. As Virgil used to say, design is not in the object but in the context. 0 - Art, fashion, web. HACK EVERYTHING. Don't trust the process. f - World Wide Web IRL / Online. Everything digital must exist physically. Everything physical must exist digitally. f - Superposition. Nothing is really new. Data exists because something has already been created. Every new creation is a confrontation with the old. Schrödinger: is it new or old? Open the box.